Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Caroline is ONE!!!

Happy birthday Caroline!! I can not believe it has been a whole year.. and at the same time, it feels way longer than that! Caroline is seriously the best. She is so funny, and cracks me up all the time, and she is a big sweetheart. Although she does take after her mom a little too much in the sassy department. She is so curious and she is seriously SO active. She is always on the go and can not sit still! She will stand up by herself and can balance, but even though she can take a few steps by herself, she has zero interest in walking. Scott and I have been doing the whole hold our arms out thing so that she'll walk to us, but now she thinks its a game that means take as little steps as possible to dive into our laps.

One of my favorite things that she does right now is say "hi" all the time! It is so funny because she's not always very good at saying it back to people if they say it to her first, but pretty much anyone else she sees who isn't paying attention to her, she says "hi" to them and waves. Sometimes she just randomly says it to our front door (no one is there), or when I take her outside or even just out of her carseat she immediately says "hi" and waves at nothing in particular.

We had a little party for Caroline with some close friends and it was so fun! Everyone came over for lunch, while the little ones played with balloons that were all over the floor. Caroline opened some presents and I didn't even have to help her that much, she was pretty good at getting into them! I couldn't resist doing a smash cake and although she never went for the actual cake part, she did love the frosting! 

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