Thursday, January 22, 2015


I love New Year's because I get the opportunity to reflect on the past year and remember how blessed I am! It is always crazy to me how much can happen and change in one year. I know this is a super late post but here are my 2014 highlights, and I am so excited for 2015!

To start off 2014, my nephew Oliver was born on my birthday in January! I'm so glad that I got to be there and meet him when he was born!

During April Scott and I took off for a month on an amazing trip to Indonesia! We traveled all over Java and Bali site seeing, exploring, hiking, scuba diving, riding elephants, whitewater rafting, and so much more, it was perfect!
Take me back please!

 In July we got to go on a family trip to Island Falls, Maine! It was a super random location as none of us are from there, but it was so much fun to spend time with family!

In August we adopted Charlie, our first addition to our little family :)

Also in August, we moved from Dallas, Texas to Birmingham, Alabama for Scott to go to grad school! Our friends introduced us to Steel City Pops, and it is still one of my favorite things about where we live. Food is the key to my heart.

Soon after we moved, we took a trip to Memphis to visit our friends Andrew and Katie! While we were there we went to the Memphis Zoo and I finally got to see a panda, my FAVORITE animal! He wasn't quite as excited to meet me, but I still loved it!

In October we finally announced our big news!! Baby Johnson due April 2015!

The day we found out that we will be having a little girl Scott came home early and brought me these flowers and took me out to dinner :)

In November our friends Andrew and Katie from Memphis came and visited us this time! We took a day trip to Atlanta and went to shake shack, coke world, and the aquarium! A perfect day.

For Thanksgiving break we met up with my family in Gulf Shores and of course while we were there we went to Lambert's Cafe, home of the thrown rolls!!

After a couple of days in Gulf Shores, we went to New Orleans for the rest of Thanksgiving break. Beignets for days. 

Ultrasound! Got to (kind of) see our little girl for the first time!

We went home to Texas for Christmas and I was finally reunited with these beauties!! 

And while we were home my amazing friends threw me this adorable Alice in Wonderland baby shower, where baby and I were totally spoiled!!

Thanks 2014!!!

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