Our Rosie girl is here and we are so lucky to have her join our family! Rose was born September 22, 2016 at 8:45 AM. Since Caroline was born a week late, a lot of people told me that my second would come much sooner, but that was not the case! I was almost a week overdue again with Rose, so this time I scheduled an induction. I went into the hospital the evening before Rose was born and got a foley catheter which dilated me from a 1 to a 4, in just two hours! I started having inconsistent contractions as soon as they put it in and they continued after it fell out on its own.
I am the worst sleeper in the world so they gave me an ambien for the night, and then I woke up around 3:00 and I was in labor. I got some pain meds which made me so loopy, but it helped me to get some more sleep. When that wore off after a few hours, my nurse asked me if I wanted another dose, or if I just wanted to wait for my epidural. I told her I wanted to wait, but then I had a contraction immediately after, so then I said "never mind, I want more pain meds!"
My doctor came in around 6:00 that morning and said I was dilated to a 6 so she wasn't going to induce me with pitocin (yay!). I got my epidural, and then my doctor came back and broke my water. After an hour or so I kept feeling A LOT of pressure down there. I told my nurse and told her I was scared that I pooped because of all the pressure haha. She laughed and said I was fine. A little bit later the pressure got even stronger and I brought it up again, so she said she would check. Luckily I wasn't pooping, but she said the baby was here and I was ready to push!! We had to wait ten minutes for my doctor to get out of a c-section and then she came to deliver me! I probably only pushed for 10 or 15 minutes when our sweet baby girl came! I didn't get to do skin to skin with Caroline because she had to go to the NICU, so I was even more grateful to be able to get my Rose snuggles as soon as she was born!! Rose was 8 lbs 6 oz and looks so much like her big sister Caroline. We sure do love her!